Agricultural Consulting Bureau

Institution Sustainable Investment Policy

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The University shall be a responsible overseer of its economic supplies, implementing ethical and community stewardship in its investment policy and attempts in agreement with its purpose and strategic goals, and adhering to the fiduciary and investing requirements applicable to institutional funds.The University's investment strategy will be executed within the sustainable investment framework mentioned below, in order to achieve the University's investment objectives and in recognition of the University of Kirkuk Preferences:

  • The University will not make direct investments in any security, strategy, or fund whose primary purpose is the breakthrough or withdrawal of fossil fuels, and will dissociate from firms and strategies that do so.
  • The University will look for ways to invest in funds or enterprises that reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, endorse community accountability, and pursue climate change solutions.
  • To better comprehend risk and supplement traditional investment decision-making, the University will include Environmental, Social, and Governance issues into manager appraisal and analysis of underlying portfolio holdings.
  • The University will make its commitment to sustainable investing known to investment managers and urge them to work with company management to promote corporate responsibility.

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