Agricultural Consulting Bureau

Institution Sustainable Procurement

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There are many patterns and components to the concept of sustainability that University of Kirkuk is obligate to perform. These patterns are represented in:

Institutional sustainability is concerned with government agencies and this pattern describes government institutions as organizational structures capable of performing their role in order to reach community service. Such kind of service is worthy for human beings in order to reach the real role to achieve the concept of sustainability. This pattern also relates to non-governmental institutions that are concerned with civil societies as it seeks community development while trying to participate in the private sector.Economic sustainability is intended to include policies that ensure the continuity of economic activities related to society and lead to development in the agricultural and rural environment. This concept is economically applicable and culturally appropriate.Environmental sustainability means the environmental ability to continue to work in a correct manner while trying to reach the least deterioration in the surrounding environment. The concept of sustainability can be achieved as the planning of the development process has minimal harm to the natural resources.

Furthermore, the University of Kirkuk is applying strict rules to preserve:

  • Human Right
  • Fulfillment with Relevant International, National, State and Local Laws and Regulations.
  • Equality and Diversity.
  • Employee Well-Being and Development.
  • Disciplinary Practices.
  • Freedom of Association.

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