Agricultural Consulting Bureau

Institution Disability Support Office

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Equal opportunity in University Education has been a nationwide goal for Iraqi's Higher Education Council and University of Kirkuk, and via consecutive National Access Plans, considerable progress has been made in extending access and involvement for students with special needs. Increased involvement of under-represented groups of students, including such disabled students, and the implications of decreased funding and student financial assistance on involvement and influence the final are two of the proposal's objectives.

In an environment of diminished financing, the amount of rise in population of students with impairments is a challenge. The developing approach is to create an inclusive culture throughout the whole campus and to employ a methodology in the development of all new courses and services. To put it another way, to improve and up-skill what currently exists - to change the way courses are created and delivered, evaluations are conducted, and transitions to study abroad or job are designed. The Disability Officer is now best positioned to contribute to policies that strive to guarantee justice, equity of access, and consistency throughout campus as a vital source of information and expertise.kk

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