Monday, 26 February 2024 06:35

A dissertation at the University of Kirkuk discusses the evaluation of the effect of certain heavy metals outside the vivo on red blood pellets

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A PhD thesis in the Faculty of Science at the University of Kirkuk discussed assessing the impact of certain heavy metals outside of the living body on red blood pellets in women with pregnancy complications in Kirkuk governorate. The dissertation presented by student Fatima Karar Aziz included an assessment of the concentrations of certain heavy metals and trace elements (lead, cadmium, arsenic, iron and copper), chemical indicators of proteins, some antioxidants and hormones in healthy pregnant women and anemia during three pregnancies and the effect of these elements on the integrity of the red ball membrane. and the preparation of cyborg cells (red blood pellets functionally activated by nanoparticles). The thesis concluded that there was a moral increase in levels (Cd, Pb, Cu, As, Fe, total thiol, di sulphide bond and IMA) In the first trimester of pregnancy and morale increase in levels (Cu,AGR, Total thiol ,total thiol/tp ,di sulphide bond ,carbonyl ,carbonyl/tp & IMA) In the second trimester and morale increase in levels (Cu, Cd, Pb total thiol/tp, native thiol, carbonyl, carbonyl/tp & IMA) In the last trimester of pregnancy in pregnant women with anemia compared to healthy.



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