Sunday, 01 October 2023 11:21

The University of Kirkuk launches an awareness campaign to reduce the phenomenon of illegal immigration

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The women's empowerment division at the University of Kirkuk, in cooperation with the Department of migration and displaced persons, organized an awareness campaign to reduce the phenomenon of illegal migration ( women, security and peace ) in 1325 implementation of the national plan for the decision of, (women, security and peace).The head of the division for women's empowerment (Intisar Saleh Mustafa)  mentioned in the campaign included the distribution of brochures and posters to university students, explaining the dangers of illegal immigration, which is considered a journey into the unknown and the reasons leading to illegal immigration and its negative effects on the migrant individual, namely lack of stability, lack of sense of belonging and reassurance, abandoning some values, principles, Customs and traditions in order adapt to the new environment and a sense of alienation.

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