Saturday, 27 May 2023 16:13

The University of Kirkuk holds a scientific lecture on sulfur in the soil and its importance for plants

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The Faculty of Agriculture al-Hawija organizes a scientific lecture on sulfur in the soil and its importance for plants, in the presence of faculty members and students .

The lecture delivered by Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Khalaf included a statement of the effect of sulfur on plant growth, as this substance is absorbed through the roots after decomposition in the soil, and the functions of sulfur remain related to the functions of nitrogen, where they work in an integrated manner, and sulfur enters into the synthesis of proteins as an essential component of some amino acids such as cysteine and methionine.

It is worth mentioning that most of the time the symptoms of sulfur deficiency appear late , and often the deficiency is much more hidden without the appearance of symptoms than the appearance of symptoms of acute deficiency, so it was necessary to include fertilization programs compounds containing a percentage of sulfur depending on the quality of the crop and prior analysis .

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