Wednesday, 05 April 2023 05:59

A faculty member from the University of Kirkuk heads a committee to discuss a master's thesis at the University of Baghdad

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The faculty member from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Prof. Dr. Qasim Sakran Abbas, chaired the discussion committee for the master’s thesis titled "Treatment of respiratory infection caused by Klebsiella pneumonia by an aqueous solution of Senigalia (gum arabic)" by the student Hassanein Muhammad Ghazi.He mentioned that the thesis referred to the antibacterial activity of the Senegalese herb aqueous solution and its role in treating pneumonia caused by pathogenic Klebsiella bacteria in rabbits, and the thesis concluded on the ability of gum arabic as an anti-pectin when mixed with the antibiotic (ciprofloxa).

Read 1373 times Last modified on Wednesday, 05 April 2023 06:04