Monday, 27 February 2023 06:55

Students at the University of Kirkuk launch a voluntary anti-drug campaign.

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With the follow-up and supervision of the President of the University of Kirkuk, Prof. Dr. Omran Jamal Hassan, and under the slogan "Yes to life, not drugs," the Central Committee for Voluntary Work organized the progress of Kirkuk and, in cooperation with several deanships of faculties, internal departments, and the Presidency of Health Faculties/Mental Health Office, a voluntary initiative to combat drugs with the participation of many associates and students. Dr. Salwa Gerges, head of the Central Committee for Voluntary Work at Kirkuk University, explained, "The campaign aimed to promote awareness of the harms of drugs, ways to prevent them and to introduce students to the legal, penal, and educational aspects of drugs of all kinds. “She added, "The campaign included the distribution of informative posters explaining the negative effects of drugs socially and behaviorally and explaining the methods of luring drug users and the reasons leading to addiction, especially bad friends." The posters were distributed to a number of colleges and boarding departments.



Read 582 times Last modified on Monday, 27 February 2023 06:59