Thursday, 23 February 2023 07:02

The University of Kirkuk holds a scientific symposium on earthquakes and their causes.

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The College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Kirkuk held a scientific symposium on earthquakes, the causes of their occurrence, and reducing their risks, with the participation of faculty members and students. The symposium included several axes. In the first axis, the Head of the Department of Geography, Prof. Dr. Abbas Rashid, highlighted the types of faults and their movement, earthquakes that occur on the surface of the globe, the factors leading to their formation, and how to identify areas in which seismic activities can occur and measure their intensity, but they cannot be predicted or specified as to the time of occurrence. In the second axis, Dr. Safaa Adnan Jassem explained the geomorphological evidence for determining the locations of faults along which ground movements occur and how to choose the locations of residential complexes according to scientific maps and the ground materials used in construction to reduce the risks resulting from the earthquake.



Read 668 times Last modified on Monday, 27 February 2023 06:59