Wednesday, 04 January 2023 06:27

Two faculty members from the University of Kirkuk publish research on white eggplant

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The two faculty members in the Faculties of Agriculture and Agriculture / Al-Hawija, Prof. Dr. Khattab Abdullah Muhammad and Ikhlas Thaer Mahmoud published scientific research on white eggplant in a magazine ((IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science)) and classified under Scopus.The study aimed to identify the attitudes of the farmers of the village of Al-Qasimiyah in the Hawija district / Kirkuk governorate towards the cultivation and consumption of white eggplant and the distinctive characteristics of farmers represented in (age, educational level, agricultural experience, size of farm ownership, cultivated land area, income from eggplant cultivation per year).The study concluded that there is a statistically significant correlation between farmers' attitudes and their level of education, and there was no significant correlation with the other variables that were studied. 


Read 956 times Last modified on Wednesday, 04 January 2023 06:54