Sunday, 04 December 2022 05:42

Master thesis at the University of Kirkuk discussing the effect of partial replacement of silver ions on structural and electrical properties

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A master's thesis in the College of Education for Pure Sciences discussed the effect of partial replacement of silver ions on the structural and electrical properties of some superconductive materials, by Hanan Muhammad Yilmaz and supervised by Prof. Dr. Sabah Mahmoud Amanullah, and Prof. Dr. Hussein Ali Muhammad .The thesis included a study of preparing samples of the superconducting compound (Bi2-xAgxSr2Ca2Cu3O10 + δ), using the best annealing temperature for preparing the compound is (850°C), and the best pressure used for compressing samples is 8 ton/cm2, in The state of partial substitution of the element silver (Ag) in the element bismuth ((Bi) of the compound, at different concentrations, and the high phase ratio HTP)), the value of the lattice constant c, the percentage of oxygen, and the critical temperature Tc increase with the increase of the value of x from 0 to 0.25, and their values decrease after this concentration .The researcher concluded that the X-ray diffraction study of the compound, which was prepared at an annealing temperature (850°C) and a hydrostatic pressure (8 ton/cm2), showed that the compound has a crystalline structure of the quaternary type, and that the percentage of oxygen present in the compound plays an essential and important role. In raising the critical temperature (Tc), the compounds were prepared with an abundance of oxygen by pumping oxygen gas into the furnace at a constant rate.hanan1

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