Monday, 21 November 2022 06:50

The University of Kirkuk holds a panel discussion on the daffodil plant

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The College of Agriculture, Hawija, held a panel discussion entitled the importance of the narcissus plant, with the participation of a number of teachers and students. The seminar aimed to demonstrate the importance of the narcissus plant and methods of using it orally in the treatment of whooping cough and the common cold, as it also treats asthma as well as its use in treating skin and wounds. Burns, strains, sprains and joints. The episode delivered by M.M. Sakkar Bakr Hama, getting to know the way the narcissus plant blooms, as it depends on the region in which it was grown, and it usually blooms between the beginning of March and the middle of May, and how the narcissus flower needs watering well after planting it, especially if the winter is dry, as well It must continue to be fertilized, and when the flower dies, its dead leaves should not be removed, because it helps supply the bulbs with energy for the next season to bloom. When the plant blooms, it is preferable to keep it away from the sun and prepare the cool weather for it. They can cause nausea and vomiting if ingested in large quantities, however, the plant is not considered toxic and poses no threat to humans or animals.sakar1

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