Wednesday, 16 November 2022 04:59

The University of Kirkuk holds a workshop on methods of cultivation and propagation of medicinal and aromatic plants

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The College of Agriculture, Hawija, held a workshop on methods of cultivation and propagation of medicinal and aromatic plants, with the participation of a number of teachers and students.The workshop aimed at the importance of vegetative propagation using air-layering, in which aerial branches that are difficult to bend are used, where part of these branches is surrounded by soil or any other suitable agricultural environment, provided that it is moist to an appropriate degree throughout the duration of the process, and after the roots emerge, the branches are cut and grown as independent plants.The workshop dealt with identifying the mechanism of organic farming, as the farmer carries out all the traditional farming operations, but he does not use chemical fertilizers and replaces them by using organic fertilization (poultry, cattle, green fertilization) and biological (a group of bacterial strains that perform several functions such as fixing atmospheric nitrogen, decomposing phosphorus, secretion of acids, killing pathogens) and others.dr khaled01

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