Monday, 14 November 2022 08:02

The University of Kirkuk discusses contemporary US-Gulf relations

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The College of Law and Political Science discussed the master's thesis entitled "Contemporary American - Gulf Relations / Saudi Arabia and Qatar as a model" by student Shahd Adel Omar, and supervised by Prof. M. Dr.. Burhan Ali Muhammad. The study aimed to understand and analyze the reality of American policy in the Arab Gulf region and analyze the reasons and motives behind it, as well as study the repercussions of American policy on the Gulf states and other Arab countries and the role of this policy and the possibility of its service to American national security. The study concluded that the United States of America in A state of war to fight terrorism, states, groups and individuals, and aims to spread and support democracy in every culture and nation, in order to preserve the security of the American people, and this requires staying in a state of attack, and defeating terrorists outside American lands so that it does not have to confront them on its soil, and that World War II 1939-1945 brought about A major turning point in the directions of US foreign policy towards the Arab Gulf region, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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