Monday, 31 October 2022 21:33

The Dean of the College of Nursing participates in the 15th International Scientific Conference of the College of Nursing at the University of Mosul

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The Dean of the College of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Hewa Sattar Saleh, participated in the fifteenth international scientific conference under the slogan (Nursing Education between Study and Application / College of Nursing as a model), which was held at the College of Nursing, University of Mosul, in cooperation with the Egyptian University of Sohag. The conference aimed to present the concept and standards of professional accreditation in nursing from the reality of exchanging local, regional and international experiences and highlighting the normative professional classification for this profession, as well as raising the quality of education for it, facing challenges and encouraging its teachers to research and scientific study in pursuit of excellence and building strategies to develop the efficiency of the nursing profession. He added that the conference included Several axes, including the presentation of working papers on the efficiency of the quality of nursing education, which included the role of its teachers in the areas of theoretical, practical and field teaching and in-service training to achieve professional accreditation and the use of information technology in the teaching process as one of the requirements for this accreditation as well as the comprehensive evaluation criteria (administrative, training, and research) in the field of nursing.dr.hewa1

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