Monday, 31 October 2022 21:28

The University of Kirkuk discusses the response of three varieties of young palm trees to spraying with salicylic acid and organic nutrients

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The College of Agriculture discussed a master’s thesis study of the response of three varieties of young palm trees (Phoenix dactylifera L) to spraying with salicylic acid and the organic nutrient Disper chlorophyll, by student Nermin Asaad Abdel Aziz, and supervised by Prof. Dr. Jassim Mohamed Khalaf. The study aimed to know the response of three varieties of Young palm trees were sprayed with salicylic acid and the organic nutrient (desper chlorophyll), as the study included 45 seedlings that were selected as homogeneous as possible in their vegetative growth, and planted in a four-way method. (Treatments: 5 concentrations, comparison treatment T1, salicylic acid 150 mg L T2 and 300 mg L - T3, the organic nutrient DSP 300 mg L 4 and 600 mg L T5), and three palm cultivars (Al Shuwathi Al Asfar, Al Khadhrawi, and Al Khastawi), with three Replications for each treatment The spraying operations were carried out three times.The study concluded that the best concentration of T5 600 mg l-1 of dspr chlorophyll in most chemical characteristics, and T4 concentration 300 mg l-1 of dspr chlorophyll in most vegetative traits, and that of The remaining variety in response to the transactions is the yellow Al-Shuaythi variety, followed by Al-Khadrawi and Al-Khastawi.

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