Sunday, 11 September 2022 06:58

University of Kirkuk discusses the effect of adding thyronine in broiler feed

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The College of Agriculture discussed a master’s thesis on the effect of adding thyronine in starter broiler feed, low-protein final growth on productive performance, carcass traits and some chemo-vital blood traits of broilers, for the student Saddam Najm Abdullah, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Nuaimi.

The study aimed to find out the effect of adding different percentages of nutritional needs of the specific amino acid tertiary thyronine in low-protein broiler diets on productive performance, carcass traits, some physiological traits and blood vitality chemistry, as 400 one-day-old chicks of Rose 308 strain were used in the experiment. The study concluded that adding thyronine to broiler feed led to a significant increase in all studied traits. The researcher recommended adding thyronine to broiler feed to reduce feed costs by reducing feed costs. The percentage of protein in the diet.sadam1

Read 690 times Last modified on Monday, 24 October 2022 08:38