Sunday, 24 July 2022 06:30

University of Kirkuk organizes an awareness lecture on cholera

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The College of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Kirkuk Health Department / Health Center in Shurao, organized an awareness lecture on cholera, its causes and methods of prevention, in the presence and participation of the college's employees.The lecture aimed at educating the female cadre working in government departments about the epidemic diarrhea disease, cholera, in order to educate family members and the community, on how to prevent this disease by drinking water from a clean source that is sterilized either with chlorine or by boiling, and washing hands before preparing food and before preparing food. Eat it and after any contact with faeces, dispose of excreta in a safe way, eat healthy food, food cooked before it cools, fruits that can be peeled off, or usable canned or dried foods.The lecture included introducing the participants to the symptoms of the disease, which begins with watery diarrhea without abdominal pain with vomiting in most cases, and its severe cases are characterized by the loss of large amounts of body fluids and salts, so the patient feels thirsty and may stop urinating and becomes weak and dehydrated. As the death rate reaches 50% of untreated cases, while the cases that are treated, the death rate drops to 1%.to3ya1

Read 756 times Last modified on Monday, 24 October 2022 08:56