Wednesday, 15 June 2022 10:45

A teacher at the University of Kirkuk participates in a committee to discuss a master's thesis at the University of Mosul

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The teacher in the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Taymour Abdul Majeed Awji, participated in the discussion committee of a master’s thesis / Department of Dams and Water Resources Engineering at the University of Mosul, for the student Rana Muhammad Abdul Qassab. The teacher stated that the study was titled “Analysis of the characteristics of temporal and spatial drought in Kurdistan - Iraq using the exploratory drought index.” (RDI)” with the aim of collecting the data of rain series and the observed monthly temperatures for nine recorded stations in different regions of the region for the period from (1973-2020), namely (Zakho, Dohuk, Amadiyah, Erbil, Salah al-Din, Shaqlawa, Dokan, Sulaymaniyah).

Read 905 times Last modified on Monday, 24 October 2022 08:02