Tuesday, 24 May 2022 06:42

A teacher at the University of Kirkuk participates in an international electronic forum on Batos in the speech

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A lecturer at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Kirkuk, Prof. Dr. Salwa Gerges Salman, participated in the second international electronic forum on Albatos in a speech organized by Mouloud Maamari University in Tizi Ouzou and the laboratory and interpretation of discourse in Algeria.

His teaching participation came with a research entitled (The Semitic of Emotions in the Novel - A Shining White Tattoo - by “Ali Laftah Saeed”). The light was shed through the research on a definition of the concept of the semiotics of emotions, passions, emergence and development, and then standing on the codes that reveal the semantic lexicon along with presenting The emotion in the novel through the mechanism of the emotional achievement program, i.e. the tropical scheming. The participation aimed at revealing the internal conflicts of the characters, represented by the emotion of fear, that emerged at the level of emotional excess until it turned into a passion that manifested in all the joints of the novel, and the emergence of the emotional path. In contrast to the narrative path, in addition to revealing the emotions that accompanied the emotion of fear, such as sadness and anger, as well as the feelings and sensations synonymous with feelings of fear of anxiety, tension and anticipation.

Read 832 times Last modified on Monday, 24 October 2022 08:20