Saturday, 17 October 2020 13:44

The College of Science Supplies Its Laboratories with High Performance Gaseous Chromatographic Check Devices

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President of Kirkuk University, Professor Dr Sabah Ahmed Isma'eel directed to supply the laboratories of the College of Science with Gas Chromatography (GC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).Dean of the College, assistant professor Dr Na'amah Ali Ahmed, mentioned that the cadres of ecological research unit at the college with collaboration of North Gas Company specialists installed and ran the two devices. He also mentioned that the two devices were modern laboratory devices particularized with gaseous checks and doing required analyses for researchers and the higher studies in this domain.res02

The manager of research unit, Dr Abdulameer Hussein Qasim clarified that they will allow researchers to do their analyses for a number of scientific researches in the university instead of using private laboratories and their high expenses that the researchers and higher studies students afforded. In addition, he referred that the two devices are modern and important in the scientific research.res01

Read 3468 times Last modified on Monday, 24 October 2022 09:30